Foundational Studies in Painting

2024-2025 Fridays 9am-4pm MT

September 13th- May23rd

Online Art Classes

Critique Paint Along

Year-round 9am-noon MT


This is an easy pace class without a curriculum. Class size is limited to 13. You work on whatever you feel that you need help with. Painting and drawing of any medium. Abstract to realism, all styles are welcome.

You will send over an image of your work, I’ll work on it in Procreate, then we will discuss a couple of options that can help the composition.

Advant-Garde Painting Class


September 12th- May22nd

With all of the ideas and concepts explored in the Master Studies class you are going to expand on them. These projects will break the boundaries of concepts and theories before pushing them back into their relative limits. This is how real art is formed and shaped.

All painting mediums are welcome in the class. If you have been in one of my master classes in painting, you can join or rejoin.